Mentoring is an effective process of guiding and encouraging a person.Mentoring, especially in educational institutons helps to boost the overall growth and personality development of a student.The mentoring and Counselling Cell of our College plays a significant role in enriching the academic as well as personal development of students.
By constant guidance and encouragement, our mentors nurture the aspirations of the mentees, making them confident to face and resolve potential challenges. At the beginning of every year, a Mentor- Mentee List is prepared by each Departments. The student community is divided into small units with a teacher as mentor. Our teacher- mentors help to resolve and avoid potential problems of the students and also help them to blossom and realize their true potential. The Mentors are allowed to decide the time and methods for mentoring. The students are also permitted to meet their mentors whenever they want. The teacher - mentor analyses the strength and weakness of the students and channelizes them to the right path. They assist the students to enhance their self confidence and resolve the challenges in their life. They kept a record of each contact session in the Mentoring Book “Jyothirgamaya.” At the end of the year it was duly countersigned by the Head of the Department and the Principal.
The Counselling Cell in the campus supports staff and students for their psychological well being. The Counselling centre of our college offers a broad range of services like assessment, counseling, brief psychotherapy and referral on a voluntary and confidential basis. Our prime aim is to help the students to cope with the dilemmas in their personal life or with painful life events, and also to help the students to develop resilience, so that they are better able to respond to problems and challenges. We also provide individual and group counseling.
Dr. Ansa Andrews
Assistant Professor