“To learn to read is to light a fire” -Victor Hugo
Reading club of the College envisions to read and reflect on. Reading club is a platform for students to narrate, discuss and reflect on what is read. This forum intends to promote reading among the students and gives the opportunity to present book reviews regularly. Creativity, analytical and critical skills of the students are enhanced through these meetings. Editorials of the newspapers and current affairs are discussed and the arrival of new books are also informed in the meetings. Serious discussions are held on editorials and current affairs. Usually, the meeting starts with a silent prayer and the secretary read out the report of the previous meeting. Secretary of the club is organising the activities of each meeting. The book to review is the choice of the student. After the preparation of the review, the teacher in charge evaluate the material and give necessary suggestions. All the presentations are consulted previously to ensure the quality. Teachers are active in all the discussions and deliberations. This endeavour helps to think clearly and develop the capacity to communicate effectively and skillfully. Organizing capacity of the students are also enhanced. Students are encouraged to read historical fictions, as they supplement the curriculum.