The entire college is under the surveillance of 24X7 CCTV cameras. In the interest of the students’ enhanced security and based on the recommendations of M G University and Collegiate Education, Govt. of Kerala, 40 CCTV Cameras have been installed inside the HBC campus. These CCTV cameras have been installed as per the Judgment of the Hon’ble High Court in WP Nos. 30216 & 3024 of 2015; Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee of Examinations vide Item No. OA 1, duly approved by the Vice-Chancellor, by exercising powers of the Syndicate under 3(10)17 Mahatma Gandhi University Act 1985; Note No. VC.702/200/2016 dated 28.06.2016 to the Controller of Examinations of M G University, Kottayam and Letter No.EAI/2/146/2016 dated 28.06.2016 of M G University, Kottayam. CCTVs are installed in all the examination halls, office, library, corridors, main gate and other college premises. And the entire surveillance system can be monitored from the Principal’s Cabin and administrative office. However letterbox/ suggestion box of the Grievance Redressal Cell of HBC are placed outside the limit of these CCTV cameras as a courtesy to the aggrieved student.